
Health Resources

oct16Today I am feeling blessed that I get to help people create more balance in their lives. I love when my patients are healing & thriving! Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are amazing!What do you feel blessed with today?

Studying showing acupuncture benefiting depression: as effective as counseling


(Reuters Health) – People with depression may benefit as much from acupuncture as they do from counseling, suggests a new study.

Researchers found one in three patients was no longer depressed after three months of acupuncture or counseling, compared to one in five who received neither treatment.

“For people who have depression, who have tried various medical options, who are still not getting the benefit they want, they should try acupuncture or counseling as options that are now known to be clinically effective,” said Hugh MacPherson, the study’s lead author from the University of York in the UK.

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The Five Element Creation Cycle of Negative Emotions




**I am unaware of the creator of this cycle chart…AND thank you whoever you are!

Think Happy Thoughts

Relax in the morning- get up a couple minutes early and savor that extra time. Enjoy a cup of coffee while watching the sun rise; take a few extra minutes to yourself in the shower; or go for a quick brisk walk around the block to get your heart pumping. There’s nothing worse than starting your day in a rush.A few minutes in the morning can make a world of difference!Click here to Join the [Positive Thinking] Club…


Study says Acupuncture Reduces Symptoms in Lung Cancer Patients

Montreal, Canada – A recent study performed at the Segal Cancer Center of Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, Canada has determined that acupuncture can be quite effective in relieving a number of disease symptoms that lung cancer patients regularly experience.

An article published by the Healthcare Medicine Institute notes that the study, which involved 33 patients – 24 with advanced stage lung cancer – demonstrated that pain levels were effectively reduced in more than 60 percent of the participants after one or two 45-minute acupuncture sessions per week, with a minimum of 4 sessions total.

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